Dr. Brandon Strange,Watershed Management and Ecohydrology
Monday, August 14, 2023,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom

Most Southern Arizonans have visited the beautiful Ponderosa forests of Northern Arizona but may not be aware of the effects of the megadrought on these forests. Brandon Strange will explain how the North American Monsoon has interacted with the ongoing megadrought for Ponderosa pine forests. This includes the interaction between winter and monsoon precipitation and how different forests rely on them. He will also discuss what the future of these forests may look like based on the research.

Brandon is a dendrochronologist, a scientist who studies the rings that appear each year in tree trunks, used as a way of calculating the dates of particular events. He has a background in paleoclimate and forest ecophysiology and uses stable isotope biogeochemistry and tree rings to examine how forests function and how they are responding to climate change. When he isn’t working, he enjoys hiking, backpacking, rock climbing and most other outdoor activities.
Compiled and edited by Rosemary Brown, Academy Village Volunteer
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