Dr. Luke Cole, Director of the Santa Cruz River program, Sonoran Institute
Wednesday, March 13, 2024,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
The Santa Cruz River has sustained humans in this region for over 12,000 years and is the home of the longest continuous agriculture in the U.S., dating back 4,000 years. Since the 1800’s the Santa Cruz River has been overdrawn, polluted and abandoned.Within the past 15 years, however, the Santa Cruz River has undergone a revitalization.
Please join us as we explore the river’s history, recovery and future.
Dr. Luke Cole will talk about the “journey” of the river and the Sonoran Institute’s efforts to assure that our river’s rebirth continues. He will explain our collective responsibilities to make certain that community involvement impacts this important cause.

Luke is the director of the Santa Cruz River program within their Resilient Communities and Watersheds Team. He joined Sonoran Institute in 2018 and manages the ongoing projects on the Santa Cruz River, working with staff and collaborators to restore and enhance this Living River in the heart of southern Arizona and northern Sonora. Prior to joining the Sonoran Institute, Luke worked for the Washington D.C. city government tracking the city’s green infrastructure and water quality improvement programs with a focus on coordinating tree planting programs and policy. Luke has a Ph.D. in environmental sciences from the University of Virginia, an M.S. in oceanography from the University of Rhode Island, and a B.A. in biology from St. Mary’s College of Maryland.
Compiled and Edited by Mary Hatch, Academy Village Volunteer
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