Diane Ashton and Susan English, co-presenters
Wednesday, October 11, 2023,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
How do you know what to say when you don’t think you have (or know) the appropriate words for a dying person or for those who are grieving? As we know, effective communication is only 10% words, with the remainder being non-verbal body language, gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice.
So how do you approach a situation in which you may feel helpless and uncomfortable? In our own discomfort, we may think it’s better to say nothing, retreat, or make a “throwaway” statement such as “well, she/he is in a better place now,” which could do more harm than good.
Susan is a retired speech and language pathologist and Diane is a retired psychologist. They are long-time colleagues and have co-presented lectures and workshops to various professional and community organizations for more than 30 years. They are known for their clear communication style coupled with humor and real-life scenarios.
Compiled by Diane Ashton, Academy Village volunteer
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