Academy Village resident and historian
Wednesday, November 8, 2023,
2:30pm– 3:30pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
You may already know more about Apache Indians than you think. Do these names sound familiar? Cibecue? San Carlos? Aravaipa? Pinal? Tonto? Chiricahua? Cochise? They’re all places found in central or southern Arizona whose names refer to Apache tribes, bands, or people. If you’d like to know more about the culture and history of the Apaches, don’t miss historian Bernd Brand’s talk.

Academy Village resident and historian Bernd Brand will present an introduction to Apacheria, the geographical area occupied by the Apache people. He will point out the American Southwest and the northern areas of Sonora and Chihuahua as the home areas of various Apache bands. He will then discuss the various Apache tribes and the four Chiricahua bands.

Since moving to Academy Village in 2008, Bernd Brand has researched Apacheria, the Apache people, and the arrival of the Spanish, the Mexicans, and the Anglos. He has made presentations at the Arizona Senior Academy before, including one on the development of the Primeria Alta by Father Kino. A native of Germany, Brand did his post-graduate studies in Arizona, earning a MIM/MBA degree in international business management. There he was exposed to author Dan Thrapp’s publications about Apache Indians, in particular his works “The Conquest of Apacheria” and the booklet “Juh: An Incredible Indian.” He later worked for an American global logistics company. Even when work took him overseas, he made time to expand his knowledge of southwestern Native Americans and particularly the Chiricahua Apaches. He’s now working on a biography of Juh, the last chief of the southern Chiricahua Apaches.
Compiled and edited by Nelson Hubbell, Academy Village volunteer
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