Dr. Richard L. Poss, Associate Professor, Astronomy
Monday, November 13, 2023,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
Leonardo da Vinci is universally recognized as one of the towering figures of Renaissance painting, but he was a man of many other talents. Along with his world-famous works of art, Leonardo pursued scientific investigations with prescient instincts which were often confirmed by subsequent discoveries. At the same time, his thought contains remnants of Aristotelian physics and traditional medieval notions of geology and atmospheric science. This talk will examine all of Leonardo’s artistic and scientific endeavors, with particular attention to his astronomical writings.
Richard L. Poss is an Associate Professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona. His research examines the role of astronomical themes in European poetry and visual art. He has published articles on Petrarch, Dante, Veronica Gambara, Walt Whitman, Thomas Hardy, and on the exploration of Mars. He teaches courses in the history of astronomy and in astronomy and the arts. He has won a variety of teaching awards and is a frequent instructor in the Humanities Seminars Program.
Compiled and edited by Marilyn B. Skinner, Academy Village Volunteer
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