Jennifer Shi, Au.D., CCC-A, Audiologist
Wednesday, May 31, 2023,
2:30-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room, and Zoom
Social isolation is a common side effect of untreated hearing loss which can have a dramatic impact on how well we continue to live our lives as we age. It can also be a risk factor for more serious conditions and impact many aspects of our lives.
In her presentation, Dr. Jennifer Shi will review different types of hearing loss and how to read an audiogram. She will discuss the differences between what an audiologist does compared to an ENT (ear, nose and throat physician) or a hearing aid dispenser. Dr. Shi will also present some general information about the relationship between hearing loss and balance.
The presentation will also cover best practice in audiology and how it is performed. Dr. Shi will also discuss hearing aid selection and technology in detail. As the FDA has approved OTC (over the counter) hearing aids, she will also provide some information on for whom these devices would be appropriate.
Dr. Shi received both her Bachelor of Science (Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences), and clinical Doctor of Audiology at the University of Arizona. She currently practices with Arizona Hearing Specialists in Tucson where she believes working as an audiologist is not just about treating the hearing loss, but also about building good patient rapport by focusing on the individual. In her free time, Dr. Shi enjoys working out, rock climbing, hiking and camping. She is also passionate about traveling, cooking and baking, and has enjoyed dabbling in woodworking and ceramics.
Compiled and Edited by Patti Woodbury, Academy Village Volunteer
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