Dr. Shaku Nair

Dr. Shaku Nair, Entomologist, University of Arizona

Monday, June 26, 2:30-3:30 p.m.  

Although the speaker will be remote, the presentation will be viewable in the

ASA Koffler Great Room or by Zoom from home.


What is a small, pale soft-bodied insect that lives in large colonies with different castes, and that can strike fear in the heart of man because some (but not all) species of this insect can eat us out of house and home?  The answer, of course, is termites.  Termites are regarded as major structural pests, often dreaded by homeowners. They can cause significant damage to property, but can be effectively managed with timely monitoring and treatment. However, some termite species are not structural pests at all. Termites also play a vital role in nature as decomposers and serve as food for a variety of predators.

Subterranean termite workers and soldiers
Photo Credit: Gary Alpert, Harvard University, Bugwood.org.

The presentation by Dr. Shaku Nair will provide an overview of the important species of termites found in Arizona, termite biology and behavior, pointers regarding early detection and management, myths about termites, and comparison between termites and their look-alikes and a few other wood-destroying insects.

Shaku is an entomologist by passion and profession, with a keen interest in integrated pest management, which is a holistic approach to managing pests. Her career has focused on promoting and educating about safe and effective ways to manage pests in community environments that are people-centered. She earned her PhD in Entomology at the University of Georgia and has been serving as an Extension Entomologist at the University of Arizona since 2013. She loves going on insect collection trips and dabbles in insect-themed art.

Compiled by Denice Smith, Academy Village Volunteer

You can connect to Zoom either by using the following URL: https://zoom.us/j/95456511620?pwd=OC9GcnJRNmJpMTdXdXFhaUpCUkx4QT09 or by opening a browser to zoom.com/join and typing in Meeting ID: 954 5651 1620 and Passcode: 85747 

Jun 26: “Are All Termites Terrible?”