Diane Dittemore

Diane Dittemore, Associate Curator of Ethnology, University of Arizona

Wednesday, May 22, 2024,

2:30pm – 3:30 pm,

ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom



The Arizona State Museum’s ethnological collections represent over 400 different culture groups, with more than one-third from the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Databases for the approximately 40,000 specimens, dating from the 1880s to the 1980s, are available in-house for public research purposes.

Arizona State Museum

Diane will share highlights of her recently published book, Woven from the Center: Native Basketry in the Southwest. She will share stories about the weavers, collectors, and donors that contributed to building the ethnographic basketry collection at the Arizona State Museum, which along with the archaeological fiber collection received the designation in 2011 of an American Treasure through the federal Save America’s Treasures program. The book serves as a companion to a permanent exhibit, Woven through Time, which opened at ASM in 2017.

Diane has been a curator at the Arizona State Museum for over 45 years.  In addition to her interest in basketry, she has published articles on ASM’s ethnographic masks, pottery and beadwork collections, and has curated dozens of exhibits highlighting these collections.

Compiled and Edited by Patti Woodbury, Academy Village Volunteer

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May 22: “Southwest Native American Basketry at the Arizona State Museum”