Dr. R. Amanda Cooper

Dr. R. Amanda Cooper: Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, University of Connecticut

Wednesday, May 15,

2:30pm – 3:30pm,

ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom


The ASA is happy to provide another opportunity to learn more about a subject our community has been investigating this last year, how to navigate end-of-life.  Dr. Cooper’s presentation will provide a helpful guide for communicating and sustaining relational connection with a family member who has dementia, and a starting point for discussion about communication with a family member around the end of life.


Communicating with a family member who has Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia can be incredibly frustrating, causing stress for caregivers and strain within their relationships. Drawing from her research with family caregivers, her presentation will examine some of the challenges of communicating with a family member who has dementia, as well as strategies for improving these interactions.

Amanda Cooper, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Interpersonal Communication at the University of Connecticut. Her research interests fall at the intersection of interpersonal, family, and health communication, focusing on the ways in which individuals and families navigate difficult transitions across the lifespan, particularly at the end of life. Drawing on both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, her work examines the relational processes that unfold across end-of-life transitions and the role of communication in promoting (or challenging) individual and relational well-being. Her research has been published in numerous professional journals, and she has received numerous awards including the Kory Floyd Fellowship in Interpersonal Relations (University of Arizona Department of Communication), the Dawn O. Braithwaite Qualitative Research Award (CSCA Interpersonal and Family Division), Outstanding Master’s Thesis Awards (NCA Communication and Aging Division & ICA Interpersonal Communication Division), and the Outstanding Graduate Research Award (NCA Student Section).

Compiled and edited by Rosemary Brown, Academy Village Volunteer

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May 15: “Communicating With a Family Member With Dementia in the Context of End-of-Life Care”