Janice Jarrett, Ph.D. (Voice, Composition, World Music and Ethnomusicology)
Monday, June 19, 2023,
2:30-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room, and Zoom
Why have neuroscientists just discovered that musicians are quantifiably “better” learners? What can explain this? And what might understanding the learning process for music reveal about learning other complicated challenges? The “devil in the details” nature of arts and languages, like the commitment to music’s acquisition might offer clues.
In today’s presentation, Dr Janice Jarrett will discuss how music is like a language, not only for grammar-like rules, logical structures, and potential for the manipulation of its elements into something artistic, but because becoming skilled at it can be as daunting as gaining fluency in another language. Understanding its learning process, detailed and demanding, illuminates its many transferable skills, concepts and methods for other formidable challenges. We will learn why neuroscientists have been fascinated with this whole brain activity for decades and why they now say musicians are better learners than non-musicians.
A long time educator, speaker, arts advocate, journalist, and professional singer, arranger, and lyricist, Dr. Jarrett currently runs her own Vocal Technique Studio in Tucson, AZ where she teaches voice, music theory, and songwriting in private lessons and workshops. She has extensive experience teaching in schools, colleges, and community programs and her artist profiles and reviews have appeared locally in the Arizona Daily Star, the Phoenix New Times, and the Tucson Weekly, She has continued her scholarly interdisciplinary studies revolving around music, such as music and the brain, music and science, music and healing and music in cultures.
Compiled and edited by Margaret Benson, Academy Village Volunteer
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