Brian DeNomme, Arizona Pest Control
Tuesday (note special day!), July 26, 2022,
2:30-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room
What is both the cutest and most hated critter that plagues Academy Village? Which critter inspires the most fervent and bitter happy hour conversations among AV residents? Which has inspired the most bizarre and imaginative repellents? No contest, right? It’s the tiny, furry, infuriating packrat (Neotoma cinerea).

Today’s speaker, Brian DeNomme, an Arizona State Certified Inspector and experienced pest control specialist, will fill us in on basic facts of pack rat biology and how they pertain to us as homeowners in southern Arizona. Brian will talk about moth balls, imitation mountain lion urine, Pinesol and other interesting tricks that may or may not get rid of your pack rats, and follow up with some realistic and effective ways to deal with them. There will be plenty of time for Q & A.
If time allows, Brian has said he would like to discuss subterranean termite infestation. As it is the termite’s favorite time of year in Tucson, monsoon season, this is a timely topic.
Brian has lived in Arizona since 1997 and has been with the pest control industry since 1999. A German Shepherd owner, when he’s not ridding homes and yards of pests he’s playing the guitar or cooking or maybe indulging in his favorite sports: Mixed Martial Arts or Boxing.
Preview by Suzanne Ferguson, Academy Village Volunteer