Brian Watson: Former IRS Special Agent; current Community Outreach Specialist, R.O.S.E. (Resources/Outreach to Safeguard the Elderly); Adjunct Instructor,
U of Arizona School of Government and Public Policy
Monday, July 15, 2024,
2:30pm – 3:30pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
If the mention of Al Capone peaks your curiosity, this upcoming lecture is one that should not be missed. Brian Watson, lecturer, spent 28 years as a Special Agent and Public Information Officer with the IRS Criminal Investigation agency (IRS-CI) and comes to us fully prepared to talk about the history of the agency, the types of crimes they investigate, and investigative techniques. He will share some stories as well as examples of recent investigations.
Founded in 1919, the IRS-CI, is the only Federal law enforcement agency authorized to investigate tax crimes. Although high profile cases primarily related to tax fraud will be central to this presentation, it is important to acknowledge that the IRS-CI also investigates tax law violations, including identity theft schemes, healthcare fraud, e.g. Medicare and Medicaid and general tax and financial-related fraud. Brian will briefly discuss additional topics such as Ponzi schemes, embezzlement, off-shore accounts, money laundering, crypto-currency and the Dark Web.
Brian graduated from UCLA with a degree in Business/Economics. He retired in 2023 from the IRS-CI and is now a Community Outreach Specialist for the non-profit R.O.S.E. (Resources/Outreach to Safeguard the Elderly), an organization focused on preventing older adults from being victimized in financial scams. Brian is an adjunct instructor at the University of Arizona where he teaches a course titled, “White Collar Crime” and writes a monthly article titled “Fraud Fighter” for the Green Valley News.
Compiled and Edited by Mary Hatch, Academy Village Volunteer
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