Cynthia Meier and Joseph McGrath, Co-Founders of The Rogue Theatre
Monday, July 31, 2023,
2:30-3:30 pm
ASA Koffler Great Room, and Zoom
Live theater has never been better in Tucson.

The Rogue Theatre is an intimate 160-seat, small professional theatre in the heart of Tucson, housed in The Historic Y. The theatre is what is called a “black box,” a design that promotes flexibility in staging and seating. The shape of the stage and the audience seating arrangement changes to meet the particular
artistic needs of each production, it can be in-the-round, thrust or a proscenium arrangement.
Co-Founders Joe McGrath and Cindy Meier will present the upcoming season at The Rogue Theatre. The presentation will include descriptions of the plays, the authors, the acting ensemble, and preparations for production. Joe and Cindy will also talk about the beginnings, growth, and current status of The Rogue, as well as present a very short two-person play by Harold Pinter.
Joseph McGrath is a graduate of the Juilliard School of Drama and the Artistic Director of The Rogue Theatre. Cynthia Meier holds a Ph.D. from the University of Arizona and is the Managing & Associate Artistic Director of The Rogue. Both have extensive performance and directing experience. They have worked together for 19 years since the inception of The Rogue Theatre in 2005.

Their mission is to create the highest quality theatre possible, challenging, stretching, and invigorating our community. They emphasize language by placing primary value on quality language and literature, ensemble by developing performers who seek continuous improvement and creating an academy for training ourselves and emerging theatre artists, and challenging ideas by presenting plays which offer complex and provocative points of view related to important social, political, and personal issues.”
Find out now which play you’d like to attend.
Compiled and edited by Rosemary Brown, Academy Village Volunteer
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