Bob Smith and Brack Brown: Academy Village Artists and Volunteers
Monday, January 22, 2024,
2:30-3:30 p.m.,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
A special part of the Academy Village campus is the artwork created by resident artists to be shared with residents and visitors. This presentation documents the evolution of the Coral Reef Mural –– the latest permanent art installation –– from inspiration to dedication in photos
showing the research needed to accurately portray the reef, plants, fish and other creatures and the techniques used to bring the wonder of these marvelous ocean dwellers to life.
For Bob Smith the “idea” was not only to create another beautiful art installation but also to make a statement about the threats to coral reefs and the wondrous creatures that live in and around them, as expressed in the mural’s inscription: Let us Cherish and Protect the Ocean,
Ancient Birthplace of All Life…
The entire creation was the result of teamwork over almost two years by a covey of volunteers, including some new artists with no prior experience working with ceramics. The Coral Reef Mural is a testament to the dedication, imagination, ingenuity and effort of the many volunteers and support of both the ASA and the HOA board.
Bob Smith and Brack Brown are active Academy Village resident volunteers who work together with other Village resident volunteers and Academy members to imagine and implement projects in many areas. Brack had earlier photographed the evolution of the
Academy Village Nature Mural, another Village creation led by Bob Smith, on the wall by the Academy culture center entrance.
Compiled and Edited by Patti Woodbury, Academy Village Volunteer
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