Susie Adams, Master Gardener
Wednesday, February 22, 2023,
2:30-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room, and Zoom
Food resiliency can seem like an esoteric or even unattainable goal with no clear paths to get there. But composting provides one way each of us can take a step toward that goal – something which can be done by anyone, anywhere, with visible and rewarding results. Master Gardener Susie Adams takes you through the steps to help you begin successful composting at home.
Susie Adams begins with “Why Compost: the three R’s”, then explains the process of decomposition, materials which can be composted and how to balance the amounts of each, the variety of bins, barrels and tumblers available for composting and, importantly, using the rich end result. You’ll leave with a new appreciation for reducing waste to create nutrients for your garden.
Always interested in gardening, Susie Adams found the five growing seasons in the desert very different and became a Master Gardener to learn how to garden here.
Her interest in composting began with a piece on NPR in 2008 about the rewards of composting. Susie is active with the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Pima County Master Gardener Program and shares her knowledge with the community in presentations including STEM expos at elementary schools and home garden tours. She is the chair of the Juvenile Detention Garden program, teaching the youth gardening and healthy eating habits. Susie composts and gardens at home with two 20 foot raised beds for herbs and edibles. She enjoys spending time with her horse Tiger Lily and shares her home with Maddie, an Aussiedoodle and her kitten, Razz.
Compiled and Edited by Patti Woodbury, Academy Village Volunteer
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