Dave Fitzsimmons, Syndicated Editorial Cartoonist and Columnist
Monday, August 15, 2020,
2:30-3:30 pm,
The ASA Koffler Great Room
Come, meet and be entertained by Tucson’s own award-winning, internationally syndicated weekly columnist and editorial cartoonist who has drawn fire, ire, and praise since 1968 for his work in The Arizona Daily Star. David Fitzsimmons has given lively interactive performances in venues including casinos, conference halls, resort meeting rooms, theaters, and schools across the country, raising millions of dollars for Tucson’s charities by being the provocative, funny, and entertaining master of ceremonies at thousands of charity events. Now we have our own opportunity to meet Fitz. You won’t fall asleep at this event, but you could fall off you chair laughing.
His presentation, “Political Cartooning 101,” will provide a brief history of social protest art from cave walls to bathroom stalls to fine publications. He’ll detail his fortunate and unusual life as a provocateur, satirist and comic speaker, and traveler. Along the way, he’ll tell us startling stories of pamphleteers and cartoonists who have faced prison and death for their work and give us his opinion on the value of humor and health in body and in national spirit, an assessment of the state of the press in America today, and his thoughts about democratic republics from the viewpoint of “this son of the American Revolution.”
A Pulitzer Prize finalist in 1988, Fitzsimmons has had his cartoons reprinted in USA Today, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, and European press. He is syndicated in over 700 news sites.
Fitz attended Rincon High School and then the University of Arizona, where he was cartoonist for The Daily Wildcat. He’s married, has 3 children, 1 grandchild, and loves reading hate mail from readers, cursing at his television, and making his kids laugh.
Compiled by Rosemary Brown, Academy Village Volunteer