James Lange, CPA, Attorney
Monday, April 3, 2023,
2:30-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room, & Zoom
Now is the time of year when households are focused on their finances, as it’s tax time. Take this opportunity to find out not only the latest techniques for minimizing taxes but also how to strategies for estate planning and charitable giving. Some good news from Congress may help you take advantage of new legislation.
James Lange will provide timely updates on the SECURE Act and SECURE Act 2.0 and which strategies work in conjunction with the new laws. Working within the TIAA system is something Jim Lange is passionate about. He’ll explain some strategies, that were thought to be eliminated, are still permitted which may help many professors and TIAA participants. He’ll also touch on gifting strategies to maximize family wealth and how one single financial decision can get you a bigger Social Security check. Jim has spent his career sharing his belief that education and action are the keys to increasing and preserving retirement wealth. He encourages people to be proactive about their planning for the future.

James, CPA, Attorney, and registered investment advisor, is the author of eight financial books that help protect the financial security of IRA and retirement plan owners and their families. Jim has been quoted 36 times in The Wall Street Journal and is a regular contributor to Forbes. He is a well-known Roth IRA expert, having written the first peer-reviewed article on Roth IRAs in 1998 published in AICPA’s Tax Adviser. Jim also developed Lange’s Cascading Beneficiary Plan, an estate plan that provides the maximum flexibility for married IRA and retirement plan owners. His CPA firm prepares tax returns annually, and his law firm has prepares wills, trusts, and beneficiary designations for many clients.
A part-time Tucson resident and avid cyclist, he and his wife Cindy live in the foothills of the Rincon Mountains for close proximity to his favorite riding trails in Saguaro National Park East.
Compiled and Edited by Rosemary Brown,, Academy Village Volunteer
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