Dr. Gregory Walker Jr., MD, Orthopedic Surgeon, Foot & Ankle Specialist
Wednesday April 12, 2023,
2:30-3:30 pm
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
Who among us hasn’t had at least one episode of a foot or ankle problem in their lifetime? Feet are so important to everything we do and everywhere we go, that when our feet are out of commission, so are we. Dr. Walker will address several of the most common ailments of the feet and ankle that put us in the slow lane when we’d rather not be. Learn about sprains and fractures, tendinitis, fasciitis, neuropathies, bunions and more.
Dr. Walker is a graduate of Brown University Medical School in Rhode Island. He did a residency in Orthopedic Surgery at the well known Harborview Medical Center in Seattle (Univ. of Washington) and then completed additional fellowship training in complex foot trauma surgery at the University of California at Davis.
He is now a resident of Tucson and is part of Northwest Affilliated Physicians with an office at the new Northwest Hospital on Houghton Avenue. Dr. Walker is a former athlete himself and has a special interest in sports medicine. So step right up to attend this most interesting talk and bring your sore feet with you.
Compiled & Edited by Stephen Bielke MD, Academy Village Volunteer
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