David Sbarra

Professor David Sbarra, EOS Foundation Endowed Chair in Health Psychology at the University of Arizona

Monday, July 22, 2024,

2:30pm – 3:30pm,

ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom


For many of us, aging means losing friends, living far away from family or being unable to physically engage in activities we once enjoyed. Unfortunately, these changes can result in a sense of isolation and withdrawal from society. Depression is not an uncommon consequence, and research shows the negative health consequences that result.

In 2023, the US Surgeon General released a major health advisory on the rising epidemic of social disconnection, loneliness, and isolation. Professor Sbarra’s presentation will discuss the science behind the health advisory and what we know about the broad research conclusions in this area of study. He will point out the role social media plays and provide an opportunity for group discussion on the nature of relationships in our hyper-connected world. Finally, he will inform the audience of easy approaches that can be used for building deeper connections and investing in our relationships.

David Sbarra, Ph.D., is the EOS Foundation Endowed Chair in Health Psychology at the University of Arizona where he directs the Laboratory for Social Connectedness and Health. His research focuses on understanding why close relationships are so important for health as well as the psychological and biological consequences of ending relationships. He is the author of over 120 scientific research papers and chapters on these topics. He has also served as the principle investigator on research and training awards from the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, and his research has been featured in many popular press outlets including The NY Times, The Atlantic, and on NPR. Professor Sbarra is a clinical psychologist by training and maintains a private psychotherapy practice in Tucson. He recently completed 10 years of service as Director of Clinical Training at the University of Arizona where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses.

Compiled and Edited by Margo Vroman, Academy Village Volunteer

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July 22: “Your Relationships, Your Health”