Adam Block, Founder of the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter, Researcher at the Stewart Observatory (University of Arizona)
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
7:00pm – 8:00 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room, & Zoom
From time immemorial, humankind has looked to the stars for answers to life’s most compelling questions. The patterns stars form and their march across the sky have inspired the iconography of diverse cultures around the world. The sophistication of today’s technology has afforded us the ability to look even further back in time at truly astonishing images of distant galaxies and nebulae.
In today’s presentation, Adam Block will introduce some basic concepts of the art of astrophotography and how to interpret the images we see with increased awareness of filters, colors, fields of view, contrast, and resolution. He will also examine why certain notions of beauty are cross-cultural especially as they relate to images of the night sky.
Adam is the founder of Mount Lemmon SkyCenter and a researcher at the Stewart Observatory at the University of Arizona. In 2012, he was awarded the Hubble Award in recognition of the many remarkable techniques he has developed for processing celestial images and for his outreach programs which have helped popularize astronomy. Adam’s work as an astronomer has resulted in the discovery of asteroids (one of which was named in his honor) as well as extra-galactic star streams and supernovae. His photographs have been published in Astronomy Magazine, Sky & Telescope, National Geographic, Scientific America and L’Astronomie and have been used over 90 times as NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day.
Compiled and Edited by Margaret Benson, Academy Village Volunteer
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