Mary Ganopol Southern Arizona lead, Arizona End of Life Options
Thursday, September 28, 2023,
11:00am-12:15 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room
This lecture briefly explores the rich history of the death with dignity movement for the last three decades. Bringing it to the present, it will cover current end-of-life options including medical aid in dying (MAID), which is not yet available in Arizona.
MAID is legal in 10 states plus Washington DC. Numerous MAID bills have been proposed in the AZ legislature since 2003 and over 60% of the AZ voters favor passing MAID bill. Mary will discuss the details of the law including the “Oregon Model” passed in 1994 vs. the New Mexico law passed in 2021, the safeguards and qualifications, the views of the proponents and the voice of the opposition.
This is a topic often misunderstood by voters and lawmakers alike. Great advances have been made in healthcare but the mortality rate is still 100%! Come and hear a stimulating conversation about death and dying and our end-of-life options in a safe and respectful environment.
Mary Ganopol is the Southern Arizona lead for Arizona End of Life Options (azendoflifeoptions.org). She has been in Tucson since 1996. Her responsibilities include education, outreach and advocacy in the eight legislative districts representing Southern Arizona. She hosts a Death with Dignity Meetup and describes herself as an enthusiastic volunteer for a variety of non-profits.
Compiled by Diane Ashton, Academy Village Volunteer
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