Betsy Boggia, Southern Arizona Organizer Voter Choice Arizona
Monday, September 18, 2023,
2:30pm-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room, and Zoom
As we head into the 2024 Presidential election cycle we are hearing more and more about Ranked Choice Voting (RCV), but not everyone understands what it is and how it works. Is Ranked Choice Voting coming to Arizona?
Betsy Boggia will discuss how Voter Choice Arizona supports Ranked Choice Voting as a way for voters to have more choice and more voice, for better governance and a better Arizona. She will discuss the pros and cons of RCV and its possible future in Arizona. This is an opportunity to learn about this important election reform, ask questions, and decide for yourself!
Betsy came to Tucson in 2021 from Massachusetts where she co-founded the Greater Boston Chapter of the Million Mom March for Gun Control, worked in the state legislature, and advocated for children, women, peace and equity. She has a BA in History and certifications in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and is an alumni of Greater Tucson Leadership’s Civic and Political Leadership Academy.
In addition to her work with Voter Choice Arizona Betsy serves on the board of the League of Women Voters, Greater Tucson.
Compiled and Edited by Patti Woodbury, Academy Village Volunteer
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