Susanna Eden, Research and Outreach Program Officer, University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center
Monday, September 11, 2023,
2:30-3:30 p.m.,
ASA Koffler Great Room & Zoom
Susanna’s presentation will focus on the Tucson Active Management Area (TAMA), a legal designation in groundwater law that applies to the Tucson metropolitan region, including Marana, Oro Valley, Sahuarita, Green Valley, Vail, and unincorporated areas within the Tucson valley. The 1980 Groundwater Management Act and subsequent related legislation govern the rights to use groundwater, including for municipal and domestic consumption. The law was conceived as a means of bringing groundwater withdrawal and replenishment into balance within an AMA through strategies that allow for continued economic growth. Important among these was the substitution of Central Arizona Project water for groundwater. The Spanish Trail water company, which provides water to thousands in the Greater Vail area, gives us an example of these strategies. Recent events have highlighted problems with the current legal framework and discussions are underway on potential changes.
Susanna Eden retired in January 2021 from the position of Assistant Director for the University of Arizona (UA) Water Resources Research Center (WRRC). She currently serves the WRRC part-time as Research and Outreach Program Officer. Born in Washington, DC, she headed west to earn degrees from the University of Texas at Austin, University of New Mexico, and UA. She holds a Ph.D. in Water Resources Administration from UA and has been engaged with water resources research and outreach for more than 30 years. Her research centers on policy and decision making in water resources, stakeholder engagement, and the communication and use of scientific information. She speaks and writes on various water resources topics, including Arizona water policy and management, rainwater harvesting, water reuse, and a range of water resource issues.
Compiled by Pamela Hennessy, Academy Village volunteer.
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