Sarah Porter, Director of Kyl Center for Water Policy
Wednesday, September 6, 2023, 2:30-3:30 pm,
Sarah Porter will discuss Arizona’s water challenges and potential solutions. She’ll address such questions as whether Tucson, Phoenix, and the rest of Arizona have enough water to meet future demand? How will the state’s agriculture, industry, and growth be impacted by declines in Colorado River supplies? Are Arizona communities doing enough to ensure water supplies for the future?
Sarah is Director of the Kyl Center for Water Policy at Arizona State University’s Morrison Institute for Public Policy and Professor of Practice in ASU’s College of Global Futures. Established in 2014, the Kyl Center promotes research, analysis, collaboration and open dialogue to build consensus in support of sound water stewardship solutions for Arizona and the West. The Kyl Center’s cornerstone project is the award-winning Arizona Water Blueprint, a comprehensive online hub of information about Arizona water resources and policy.
Sarah came to the Kyl Center from the National Audubon Society, where she served as the Arizona state director and led Audubon’s Western Rivers Project, a multistate initiative to protect and restore important river habitats in the Intermountain West. Before joining the staff of Audubon in 2006, Sarah spent fourteen years as an attorney in private practice, specializing in complex commercial litigation.
She serves on Senator Kirsten Sinema’s Water Advisory Council, the Arizona Governor’s Water Policy Council, University of Arizona’s Water Resources Research Center’s External Advisory Council, Phoenix’s Environmental Quality and Sustainability Commission and other community boards.
A native of Phoenix, Sarah received her bachelor’s degree with honors from Harvard College and her J.D. magna cum laude from Arizona State University College of Law, where she was a John S. Armstrong Award recipient. She clerked for Hon. William C. Canby, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Compiled and edited by Rosemary Brown, Academy Village Volunteer
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