Jason R. Jurjevich, photo credit: Logan Havens

Jason R. Jurjevich, PhD: Assistant Professor, School of Geography, Development & Environment

Monday, October 7, 2024,

2:30pm – 3:30pm,

ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom



Housing injustice is a keystone issue underlying many of today’s challenges currently facing the United States. Across the decades, racist housing policies have actively disenfranchised people of color and other communities, making it difficult to secure fair housing and achieve opportunity. Jason will explain how these policies, sanctioned by both the state and private actors, include exclusionary zoning, redlining, blockbusting, unfair lending practices, and restrictive racial covenants. Racist covenants, in particular, made it possible for real estate developers and homeowner associations to adopt racist covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CCRs) to prevent African American, Asian, and other racial/ethnic groups from living in certain neighborhoods. Although racist CCRs were ruled unenforceable by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1948, they continued to be enacted by private parties until the passage of the federal Fair Housing Act in 1968.

He’ll tell the story of racist covenants across Tucson, Arizona neighborhoods and subdivisions, focusing on those enacted between 1912-1968. The Mapping Racist Covenants (MRC) project helps situate how racist covenants, in particular, are part of a larger set of institutional housing restrictions that have, and continue to, affect communities of color.

Dr. Jurjevich is an Assistant Professor in the School of Geography, Development and Environment at the University of Arizona. Jason’s research interests include critical quantitative methods, census, migration and demographic change, and housing, with an emphasis on demographic storytelling and using demographic data to facilitate data-driven analysis and policy.

Compiled and edited by Rosemary Brown,  Academy Village Volunteer

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Oct 7: “Mapping Racist Covenants in Tucson, Arizona”