Yvette Bredice, founder of Tucson End of Life Doulas
Wednesday, October 4, 2023,
ASA Koffler Great Room
Although Many people have heard of doulas who provide support for mothers during the birthing process, fewer are aware that end-of-life support is also available by specially trained doulas.
End-of-life doulas provide a range of non-medical holistic support to the dying person and their loved ones which may include education and guidance, as well as emotional, spiritual, and practical care, from early diagnosis through bereavement. Yvette will discuss the varied roles of an end-of-life doula (including but not limited to, legacy work, ritual and funeral planning, vigil planning), give examples from some of her previous cases, and help you understand who may benefit from the services of a “death doula.”
In 2018, Yvette took the training course offered by the International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA). She loves being a Doula and also volunteers for TMC Hospice here in Tucson, AZ. In addition, she has taught several classes at TMC Seniors.
Yvette started Tucson End of Life Doulas in 2018. Her intention was to create a hub for local doulas, a place to come together and collectively support each other while working as End-of-Life Doulas. With high standards being met, all Doulas will treat you with dignity, compassion, and respect, right where you are. (tucsonendoflifedoulas.com)
Compiled by Diane Ashton, Academy Village Volunteer
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