Jim Turner, retired historian for the Arizona Historical Society
Wednesday, October 25, 2023,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
Because of unique geological events occurring millions of years ago, Arizona has more than its share of precious mineral deposits. This presentation begins with prehistoric turquoise mines near Jerome, covers 16th and 17th century Spanish mines, major gold strikes near Yuma and Prescott, the silver boom towns of Globe and Tombstone, and finally the era when copper was king. Material from memoirs and newspapers provide anecdotes and profiles of prospectors like Paulino Weaver and Ed Schieffelin to make this mining history come alive.

Jim Turner’s family moved to Tucson in 1951 because of his asthma. He began giving history talks in 1996 and earned his master’s degree in U.S. History at the University of Arizona. Jim worked as Historian for the Arizona Historical Society for eight years and then worked as an editor for Rio Nuevo Publishers where he authored, co-authored, or edited more than a dozen books, most of them about Arizona. His most recent book, Arizona: A History of the Grand Canyon State, received an Independent Publishers Silver Medal Award in 2022.

Visit his website at www.jimturnerhistorian.org
Compiled and edited by Pamela Hennessy, Academy Village Volunteer
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