Wally R. Wilson: Water Resources Manager, Metro Water District and Hydrologist Team Member on Lower Santa Cruz River Basin Groundwater Study
Wednesday, November 20,
6:30 pm – 7:30pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
Academy Village and neighboring developments are serviced by a water provider, Spanish Trail Water, which obtained 100 year Assured Water Supply (AWS) certification from the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) in April of 1996. The water source is 100% groundwater with only natural recharge of the aquifer by seasonal rains and mountain runoff, both of which are affected by a changing climate and drought conditions.
Water resource managers in the Tucson Active Management Area (TAMA) routinely monitor depth to water throughout the TAMA, and collect climate data, customer water demand, as well other variables that can affect aquifer health. Wally Wilson was one of a team of hydrologists who participated in a study to model future groundwater levels in the TAMA in response to several scenarios that combined different growth projections and climate impacts. He will describe the study design, data collection, and modeling results. What do the model results show for the Rincon Valley area?
Wally Wilson graduated with a BS in Geology from Sul Ross State University in 1985, and has over 35 years of experience as a water professional. For 14 years he planned and conducted remedial investigations in a half dozen western states that included groundwater, surface water, soils and hazardous materials. For the last 21 years he has had a progressive career in water resource development and planning, Arizona state water law and policy, recharge feasibility and facility design, and general water provider utility management. Mr. Wilson worked for Tucson Water for 14 years as a Hydrologist and finally Chief Hydrologist. He currently is the water resources manager for the Metropolitan Domestic Water Improvement District in the Tucson area. For the past 8 years he has been on the technical team co-managing the Lower Santa Cruz River Basin Study.
Compiled and edited by Denice Smith, Academy Village Volunteer
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