Jaye-Lynn Trapp, MA, Docent, Tucson Museum of Art
Monday, May 22, 2023,
2:30-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room & Zoom

One of the founding principles of the German Bauhaus School of the 1920s and early 30s was the interrelationship among all the arts. Two of its legendary teachers were the famous abstract artists Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee, respectively Russian and Swiss. They shared a belief in the symbiotic relationship between painting and music and embodied it in their work. This talk will explore their unique approaches in connecting visual composition, architectural design, and musical arrangement.
For as long as she can remember, Jaye-Lynn Trapp has been interested in the arts. Retiring in 2013 to Tucson from Traverse City, MI, where she taught middle grade students and was a teacher trainer, she became a docent for the Tucson Museum of Art. Jaye-Lynn holds a BS in Education and an MA in Humanities. In Michigan, she wrote curriculum guides for Traverse City’s Dennos Museum and the Michigan Legacy Art Park, an outdoor sculpture park in Northern Michigan.

She received several awards during her career, including an Outstanding Educator Award from the Traverse City Chamber of Commerce, an Ameritech Teacher Excellence Award for her use of innovative technology in the classroom, and a Distinguished Teaching Achievement Award from the National Council for Geographic Education. In Tucson, Jaye-Lynn enjoys giving TMA tours, training new docents, and researching and bringing her enthusiasm for the arts to new audiences.
Compiled and edited by Suzanne Ferguson, Academy Village Volunteer
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