Deb Dale, CFRE, Chief Development Officer, Arizona Public Media
Monday, March 6, 2023,
2:30-3:30 pm,
The Koffler Great Room, & Zoom
Be among the first to know – Arizona Public Media is poised to build a brand-new community broadcasting campus! Come learn why this is a critical step for news and information in Southern Arizona for generations to come.
Deb Dale will give a history of public media in the United States and in Southern Arizona over the past 60 years. She will then describe exciting new plans for Arizona Public Media’s future. This includes a new broadcasting campus at the U of A Tech Park, a part of which will be a ‘Next Gen’ technology building designed to expand public media services, visibility and ease of use to residents of 11 counties throughout Arizona.

Deb Dale is the first Chief Development Officer overseeing AZPM’s revenue center teams. She holds a CFRE (Certified Fund Raising Executive) credential and is a Master Trainer and member of the Association of Fund Raising Professionals. A Tucson native, she is a graduate of the University of Arizona where, among other accomplishments, she was an All American water polo player. She speaks 3 languages and, during her career so far, has lived in 4 different countries. She has helped raise nearly $100 million for various organizations.
Compiled by Stephen Bielke, Academy Village volunteer
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