Charles Tampio, Docent, Tucson Museum of Art, President, Leveler Foundation
Monday, March 20, 2023,
2:30-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
Artists have tried to capture the spirit and the power of horses from the time the first cave dwellers picked up a stone to carve on the cave wall to the current initiatives in digital technology. Every medium, every genre, every artistic period has featured horses, possibly the most important subject besides the human body.

In this presentation, Charles Tampio traces the earliest known images of horses in cave art and continues through to the most contemporary examples. Horses have been among the most important subjects of art throughout history and in every medium. Chuck offers a series of reasons why this is true and presents a number of the most significant and compelling works featuring horses.
Chuck Tampio began his career in education in the Peace Corps where he founded a night school for women in Malawi. He has held a number of leadership positions in civic and environmental education in Washington, D.C. and became the first anchor for C-SPAN. He retired to his ranch on the east side of Tucson and became a docent for both the University Museum of Art and the Tucson Museum of Art. He is president of the national Leveler Foundation and seeks worthy charities in Tucson to support. Chuck gives his record setting presentations throughout the country which are often interactive because he believes the views of his audiences are too important to leave unexpressed.
Compiled and Edited by Patti Woodbury, Academy Village Volunteer
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