Elizabeth Friman

Elizabeth Noble Rollings Friman: Attorney, Fleming & Curti, PLC

Wednesday, March 19, 2025,

2:30pm – 3:30 pm,

ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom


Why should individuals consider an estate plan? Elizabeth Friman will explain how it can give you control over your own decisions, minimize costs, reduce family disputes, and assure that your wishes are known. There are many misconceptions about estate planning, and it is time to review the basics and next steps for those who are interested in developing an estate plan for the first time, or updating their existing estate plans.  Basic questions she’ll address include the following:  What documents are typically included in an estate plan? Can you write your own will? Does everyone need a trust? How much should someone pay for legal advice about their estate? What documents are necessary to have in place if you become incapacitated before you die?  Come find out how you can benefit from these tips for success.

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Mar 19: “Estate Planning – Tips for Success”