Gary Fenstermacher

Gary Fenstermacher: Academy Services Corporation Board of Directors

Friday, February 28, 2025,

4:00pm -5:00 pm,

ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom


There are those living in the Vail area, even some newer members of Academy Village, who haven’t yet had the opportunity to find out more about what the Academy Villas Assisted Living and Memory Care Residences could offer them as they become less able to care for themselves or a loved one.  Early residents of Academy Village began to discuss the possibility of developing an assisted living and memory care facility as part of their Village, and that finally happened in 2010. Gary Fenstermacher (a long time resident who has been heavily involved in its development, governance, and maintenance) will share details about the its development since that time, its individualized care of residents, its careful financing, its rigorous maintenance, and its goals.  Ample time is being allotted after his presentation to answer additional questions.

You can connect to Zoom either by using the following URL: or by opening a browser to and typing in Meeting ID: 954 5651 1620 and Passcode: 85747 

Mar 12: “What the Academy Villas Assisted Living & Memory Care Offers”