Hubert Parker, Development Director
Monday, July 24,
2:30-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
Hubert Parker sums up Tucson Wildlife Center’s Mission in three words: Rescue, Rehab, Release.

The Tucson Wildlife Center has been helping the wildlife of Tucson and Southern Arizona for 25 years. They are the only wildlife rescue hospital in Tucson and Southern Arizona. They take in sick, injured, or orphaned wildlife. Their hospital is available 24/7/362 and free to residents of Tucson and Southern Arizona. Hubert will share with you how they work from intake to release by following different patients and how they meet some of the challenges. No other group that does what they do. They feel fortunate to live where all types of wildlife are literally in their backyard, which makes Tucson unique. They give a voice to helpless wildlife and feel their work reflects the heart of this community. They are a 501c3, funded exclusively through donations and grants.
As Development Director, Hubert Parker has helped raise money as a Board Member for the Tucson Symphony Orchestra, has served as Board President for the Rialto Theatre Foundation, and as Development Director for Parent Aid. He previously had a Financial Services practice for 22 years. After raising two children with his wife, Dora, his enjoyment of music and playing guitar fills his time not spent helping wildlife.
Written by Hubert Parker and edited by Rosemary Brown, Academy Village Volunteer