Alex La Pierre, Public Historian and co-founder of Borderlandia
Monday, July 10, 2023,
ASA Koffler Great Room & Zoom
“Filibuster” is a term that evokes political theatrics; however, this presentation seeks to change that perception. The original meaning of the word described foreign and often stateless mercenaries who sought to carve out territories in Latin America.
Public historian Alex La Pierre will focus on the Sonoran incursions made by French and American “filibuseros” who left lasting impacts on the heritage of the state. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the French interventions and heritage in the borderlands.
Alex La Pierre is the co-founder of Borderlandia, a bi-national organization committed to building public understanding of the borderlands. With a recent background in the nonprofit field in Ambos Nogales and in citizen diplomacy in the borderlands, Alex originally arrived in southern Arizona working for the National Park Service in the fields of historic preservation and heritage interpretation. A graduate of the University of Arizona, an award-winning documentary filmmaker, and a public historian, his studies focus on the Hispanic cultural heritage of the American Southwest and Mexico. As a volunteer, he serves as a board member of both the Southwestern Mission Research Center and the Anza Trail Foundation. His work along the border has been featured national and international media outlets.
When he’s not working, Alex is practicing yoga, hiking, traveling, reading, or practicing Spanish and Portuguese.
Compiled and edited by Rosemary Brown, Academy Village Volunteer
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