Dr. Robert Allan Linden, MD, FACP DTMH, Maureen Ann Orr, CFNP, MSN, CTMCH
January 8, 2024,
2:30PM-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom

Doctors Without Borders provides independent, impartial medical humanitarian assistance to the people who need it most–those affected by conflict, disease outbreaks, natural and human-made disasters, and exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries.
Bob and Maureen will share their experiences in five different areas of the world between 2004 and 2012. They provided health care in Sumatra, Indonesia after the Boxer Day Tsunami; worked with refugees in Darfur, Sudan; provided outreach access to HIV care in West Nile Region, Uganda; treated drug resistant Tuberculosis patients in Abkhazia on the Black Sea; and helped to rebuild post-conflict health care infrastructure in Papua, New Guinea.
After raising five children, they now fulfilled a lifelong desire to provide humanitarian care for the less fortunate living in second and third world countries. After being vetted for service, their journey began in 2004. Having enjoyed years of sailing and flying (both were instrument rated private pilots), they embarked on a ten year, five assignment mission that took them to places caring for victims of warring governments, weather related disasters, and out-of-control medical problems due to unstable infrastructures.

Their relief between assignments, however, led to even more adventures in travel and sailing, but also to a return to their Stateside previous workplace to keep their retirement plans viable. After retiring in 2014, they moved aboard their 40’ Cutter Rig to begin a sailing journey to Alaska. Five years later they ended this water journey after sailing to Panama and then bringing their boat back north to Ensenada, Mexico where they moored for three years. Desiring then to move from the sea to the desert, Bob and Maureen came to Academy Village, in April 2022, where they hope to finish out their years among friends and the Saguaros and enjoying their eight grandkids!
Compiled and edited by Rosemary Brown
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