Craig Nazareth: US Army Retired, Assistant Professor of Practice, College of Applied Science and Technology
Alexander Zsokoly: Army Veteran; current undergraduate student in Intelligence and Information Operations at the University of Arizona’s College of Applied Science and Technology
Monday, January 29, 2024,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom

2024 will bring tactical challenges in Ukraine’s effort to repel Russian advances. If Russia is to achieve its goals, it will have to increase its combat power and mobilizations. Given the constraints Putin has placed on himself by continuing to portray the “conflict” as a limited one, this will be difficult. However, without these changes, Russia is likely to suffer even greater losses if it attempts to recapture key cities it lost in 2022/2023.
Ukraine’s ability to achieve its goals of repelling Russia and recapturing its lost territory is highly dependent on western support. However, the presenters are optimistic that Ukraine’s western partners will increase their military support this spring. Assuming this happens, and Russia’s losses continue to mount, there is reason to believe Ukraine can make headway.
Professor Nazareth and Mr. Zsokoly will discuss the insight their military experience gives them when predicting the future course of the Ukranian/Russian war. Specifically, they will discuss the role of cyber/electronic warfare, tactical challenges, and the specific armaments Ukraine needs for success.
Professor Nazareth is a retired US Army Officer and current Assistant Professor of Practice at University of Arizona’s College of Applied Science and Technology.
Alexander Zsokoly, a former United States Army Combat Medic with expertise in long-range reconnaissance and tactical military operations, founded Arrow Solutions Ltd., a security firm specializing in data radios and tactical coordination. Since March 2022, he has been working in Ukraine as a tactical operations and medical instructor and advisor, accumulating nine months of combat experience in the country. In this role, Alex has collaborated with various Ukrainian military units, including special operations forces.
Compiled and Edited by Margo Vroman, Academy Village Volunteer
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