Jack Anderson, Writer and Academy Village Resident
Monday, January 23, 2023,
2:30-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room & Zoom
Jack will talk about and read from the two novels he published in 2022, Havilah Daze and Fredegund and Brunhilde. He will also discuss self-publishing through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.
Havilah Daze evolved from short stories and anecdotes he collected over the years. He notes: “I‘ve always loved the crazy side of human character, and how characters’ eccentricities can mesh when they interact. I decided to write some of these stories down so that I would not forget them: they seemed to be better than anything that I could make up myself! Eventually I decided to find a way to link them all together. I found the perfect solution in nineteenth-century English literature.”
While wrapping up Havilah Daze in March 2022, Jack stumbled upon an article about Fredegund and Brunhilda, real sixth-century Gallic Queens. These two incredible women instigated and continued a 40-year series of internecine wars known today as the Royal Feud. Not much original information about them survives, but what does survive is quite amazing. Jack decided immediately to fill out their stories in a historical novel. Fredegund and Brunhilde was published in late November 2022.
Jack Anderson grew up in north-central Massachusetts and graduated from Dartmouth College in 1972 with a BA major in Russian. At Stanford, he completed his PhD (1976) in Russian Literature through the Departments of Slavic Languages and Humanities Special Programs. After working in academic administration and a business endeavor, he enrolled in the University of San Diego School of Law, earning a JD in 1989. After a 26-year career in environmental and construction defect litigation, He retired at the end of 2014. He and his partner Andy moved into their new house in Academy Village in December, 2021. Jack says his current writing is solely a retirement hobby.
Edited by Suzanne Ferguson, Academy Village Volunteer
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