Timothy Wadkins: Emeritus Professor, Modern Christianity, Canisius University; visiting research associate in Religious Studies, University of Arizona
Monday, January 13, 2025,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
Where have all the Christians Gone? Across the world, Christianity has not actually shrunk but has shifted geographically. What has taken place is a dramatic movement toward the less economically developed world, primarily in the southern hemisphere. In areas like Latin America, East and South Asia, and especially Africa, Christianity now accounts for two-thirds of the world’s Christians. In these areas, this religion has become a rapidly growing and vibrant tapestry of faith and practice characterized by a complicated mix of traditional churches alongside a diverse array of very large, supernaturally oriented and politically diverse congregations and movements. Timothy Wadkins’ lecture will delve into this profound geographical and cultural shift in modern Christianity, exploring its causes, illustrating its characteristics, and highlighting its implications.
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