Kiko Trujillo: Executive Director, Arizona Sonora Border Project for Inclusion
Duke Duncan: Co-Founder and President of the Board of Directors; Academy Village volunteer
Monday, February 5, 2024,
2:30-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom

The Arizona Sonora Border Project for Inclusion (ARSOBO) is a cross-border, non-profit organization located in Nogales, Mexico whose mission is to enable individuals with disabilities to become more independent. Due to its continuing efforts to provide low cost medical devices for people with disabilities, ARSOBO was named the 2012 recipient of the Andy Nichols Award for Social Justice. The award is given by the Arizona-Mexico Commission for persistent service in pursuit of social justice.
ARSOBO trains and hires individuals with disabilities to construct assistive devices for others at a price they can afford and which provides access to increased employment opportunities. ARSOBO has trained and hired 22 individuals with disabilities, constructed more than 735 all-terrain wheelchairs (1/3 for children with disabilities), fabricated more than 840 orthotic/prosthetics, and distributed more than 750 hearing aids. These devices are not given away. Families are asked to pay what they can afford. The full cost is met by donations or grants. ARSOBO has extended its reach to 10 states in Mexico, to Native American Reservations, and to a half dozen other countries.
Duke is a Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics and Public Health at the U of A with a life-time privilege in caring for children with disabilities and their families.
Kiko Trujillo is an Industrial Engineer and a past Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Nogales, Mexico.
Compiled and edited by Rosemary Brown, ASA volunteer
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