Lawrence Lee, painter, philosopher of art
Monday, February 20, 2023,
2:30pm – 4:00pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room, & Zoom
“Painting is like a dance: you never know what your partner will do.” Lawrence Lee

Whether the “partner” is his subject, as in this quote, or his audience, Lawrence Lee is deeply engaged in exploring the relationship. An Arizonan by birth, Lawrence has been painting and showing his art for over 50 years. His large, dramatic paintings are in the permanent collections of the Tucson Museum of Art, The Scottsdale Center for the Arts, and the Tucson Desert Art Museum, among others. A BFA graduate of Northern Arizona University in 1969, with an MA in teaching art in 1970, he has been a full-time artist since 1979, and has an almost dizzying list of exhibitions and presentations around the West and the world, including an invitation to the Florence Biennale in 2023. In addition to Tucson, he shows in galleries in Scottsdale, Tubac, Durango, and Santa Fe. Check out his website: lawrenceleeart.com.
Lawrence’s vividly colorful, emotionally moving works range from imaginary portraits of Native American Shamans to radiant western landscapes to surrealistic digital paintings, although no listing of topics can convey his variety and mastery of media. He collaborated with Tucson Ballet in a 2016 original ballet, “Spirit Garden,” for which he created over 300 evocative digital images and designs. His work always seems to push the boundaries of genre, pulsing with a profound spirituality that reaches beyond the canvas and draws the viewer into an intense emotional experience.

Lawrence’s poetry has been published internationally, and he wrote and illustrated the first children’s book ever published in color from digital imagery created on a computer (1989). Lawrence Lee will invite the ASA audience into his creative process and philosophy as he shares his images and thoughts with us. Not to be missed!
Preview compiled and edited by Suzanne Ferguson, Academy Village Volunteer
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