Randy Nesse

Randy Nesse, MD: Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry,  Anxiety Disorders Clinic, University of Michigan; Academy Village resident

Wednesday, February 19, 2025,

3:30pm – 4:30pm,

ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom

When we started our Anxiety Disorders Clinic at the University of Michigan 50 years ago, we did not know much more than other psychiatrists. But our research mission was soon expanded in response to the hundreds of people who called, desperate for help. We soon had a long waiting list and patients coming from all over the country and even from overseas. Gradually, we learned how to understand and treat these fascinating and often very serious disorders. The global answer is that psychotherapy, behavior therapy, cognitive therapy and medications all can work. Randy Nesse will summarize what we know now about the diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorders, but the emphasis will be on the need for an individualized assessment of each person and the highlighting of some especially fascinating cases.

You can connect to Zoom either by using the following URL: https://zoom.us/j/95456511620?pwd=OC9GcnJRNmJpMTdXdXFhaUpCUkx4QT09 or by opening a browser to zoom.com/join and typing in Meeting ID: 954 5651 1620 and Passcode: 85747 

Feb 19: “Anxiety Disorders: How our Clinic Steadily Improved Treatments”