Jade Beall, photographer and author
Monday, February 13, 2023,
2:30-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room, & Zoom
Continuing the recent ASA series of lectures and activities focusing on photography as an art form, Tucson photographer Jade Beall will discuss the relationship between photographer and subject in the context of her recent book The Crone Body. She will explain how she helps people “feel comfortable when [they] struggle with feeling beautiful and some can’t even look at the photos post photo shoot. . . I have developed ways to put people at ease so that I can . . . suggest a new way of seeing themselves.”
Jade’s website (jadebeall.com) reveals her commitment to show “truthful images of women that inspire feeling irreplaceably beautiful and good about one’s body as a counter-balance to the airbrushed photoshopped imagery” of the so-called “ideal” youthful body image we have forced upon us continually by mainstream media.
Her book, A Beautiful Body Project: The Bodies of Mothers, has received attention from such media outlets as the BBC, The Today Show, and the Huffington Post. It is “the first in a series of books with a strong media platform of truthful photographs and stories to celebrate the irreplaceable beauty of women and the body positive movement happening all over the world. A Beautiful Body Project is an upcoming series of volumes and an online media platform dedicated to women and body image, through sharing stories about motherhood, aging, cancer, stillbirths, miscarriages, weigh-gain, weight-loss, dysmorphia, and beyond.” The Crone Body was featured on our local NPR’s Arizona Spotlight on June 2nd, 2022, with “portraits that celebrate the strength, wisdom and power of women as they age.”
Jade Beall is a proud mother. Her background includes work as a massage therapist and a dance instructor along with her inspirational photography and writing.
Assembled and edited by Suzanne Ferguson, Academy Village Volunteer
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