Kathleen Insel, PhD, RN: U of A Professor, College of Nursing; Associate Director of Strategy and Development, Arizona Center on Aging; Director of Innovations in Healthy Aging
Chris Childers PT, PhD: Director for the Advanced Competency in Home Health certification for the APTA Home Health Academy
February 12, 2024, 2:30-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom

Dr. Insel and Dr. Childers will discuss the characteristics of an Age-Friendly University and activities in Innovations in Heaalthy Aging, development plans for a the new College of Health Sciences with a focus on the new doctoral degree in physical therapy. Dr. Insel’s research focuses on cognitive function over the lifespan, specifically executive function, working memory, and implications for self-management of chronic disease. She and her team developed a successful behavioral intervention to improve self-management which has been translated into an app with the goal of supporting the continued independence of older adults and impacting their quality of life.
Dr. Insel earned her B.S. in Nursing from the University of Wisconsin, her M.S Degree in Nursing from the University of Rochester, her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the U of A, and a post-doctoral fellowship in Community-Based Interventions. She has an active history of service nationally and was a member of the inaugural Advisory Panel on the Assessment, Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment Options for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). She serves regularly on National Institutes of Health review panels, particularly for Small Business Innovation Research: Neuro/Psychopathology, Life Span Development and STEM Education programs.
Dr Childers trained as a Physiotherapist and practiced in the skilled nursing arena as director of rehabilitation. She completed her M.S. in Gerontology, passing her board certification as a Geriatric Clinical Specialist. Her PhD dissertation focused on determining motivation and limits to physical activity in the older adult in assisted living. Currently, she is working for the University of Arizona to develop the Doctor of Physical Therapy program.
Compiled and edited by Kate Kampa, Academy Village volunteer
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