Barbara Eiswerth: Executive Director, Iskashitaa Refugee Network
Monday, February 10, 2025,
3:30 pm – 4:30pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom

Iskashitaa Refugee Network (IRN) empowers refugees through innovative food security initiatives, meaningful work opportunities, and cultural exchange programs, fostering a stronger, more connected community. Barbara Eiswerth will explain how it aims to ensure every refugee has the tools, knowledge, and support needed to thrive while contributing to a more sustainable and inclusive society by reducing food waste, creating educational pathways, and building networks of trust. Opportunities are created to integrate United Nations refugees and asylum seekers from over 35 ethnic groups into the Southern Arizona community. At the same time they educate the public, strengthen the local food system, reduce local food waste, and increase food security. With the help of hundreds of community volunteers, they’ve used innovative food-based programming to empower under-served communities to develop the skills necessary to grow towards deeper community integration.
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