Dr. Sabrina Helm, Associate Professor of Retailing and Consumer Science; Faculty Co-Chair, Sustainability and Climate Action Plan
Wednesday, December 20, 2023,
2:30pm-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room and zoom
Climate change is a global phenomenon with the potential to affect all of humanity, and people are increasingly aware of a worsening pattern of climate change that is likely to drastically impact how they and future generations will live on this planet. As a result of global environmental changes, we are now facing a mental health crisis related to environmental issues such as climate anxiety, worry, distress, and grief.
This presentation will explore typical psychological reaction patterns to climate change, ways of positive and maladaptive coping, climate anxiety and climate hope, and behavioral mechanisms for coping with the climate crisis.Sabrina Helm is Associate Professor of Retailing and Consumer Science and PetSmart Endowed Chair. She received her PhD in business administration from the University of Duesseldorf, Germany. Prior to relocating to Tucson, she was Professor of Strategic Marketing at Witten/Herdecke University, Germany. In her research, she is particularly interested in the role of consumption in the context of climate change, psychological responses to the threat of climate change, and increased consumer resilience. Among others, her research has been published in Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, and Global Environmental Change. She was recently featured on Arizona Illustrated. The episode, which aired on November 23, 2021, was on “Solastalgia – grief and anxiety caused by the disconnection to the natural world”, and features her and some of her work. https://www.azpm.org/p/video/2021/11/23/203736-solastalgia/
Her favorite pastime is hiking Arizona’s mountains and canyons. She loves hiking R2R (rim-to-rim) in a day but also likes to pause and enjoy the beauty of this land—beauty that lies within its biggest features.
Compiled and edited by Rosemary Brown, ASA volunteer
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