Martin Randall: Docent and co-chair of Tucson Art Talks at Tucson Art Museum
Monday, December 2, 2024,
2:30pm – 3:30pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
Martin Randall will look at the artist Gustav Klimt’s life and career from his humble beginnings, through his break with the past in helping form the Viennese Secession, to his bold and dramatic new style that helped shape the world of fin de siecle Vienna. His career straddled two worlds – the world of classical art that first made him famous, and the new and exciting world of Symbolism and Art Nouveau that would change the world of art forever. He was instrumental in shaping this new world with his daring compositions, his new ways of looking at art, his dazzling use of gold, and his use of themes from the ancient world that made his paintings both timeless and hyper-modern.
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