Justin Chesebrough, Director, Beyond Textbooks, Vail United School District
Monday, December 19, 2022,
ASA Koffler Great Room & Zoom
Contrary to what some might think, Beyond Textbooks is not an abandonment of textbooks, nor is it simply a “teacher resource bank.” Beyond Textbooks (BT) is an online resource and collaborative community created by teachers and district leaders in the Vail Unified School District and used by 126 partner school districts in Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ohio, Washington, and South Dakota. Comprised of 8,000 plus teachers and impacting over 135,000 students, the goal of Beyond Textbooks is to collaborate with schools to improve student achievement through implementation of the Vail School District’s proven teaching and learning frameworks. Teachers are the masters of the classroom. BT works to provide them with a tool that allows them to be artists, crafting strategies to meet the needs of all students. Come join the conversation as Beyond Textbooks Director Justin Chesebrough shares the history of BT, the benefits to classroom teachers, and how Vail School District’s homegrown program is now impacting student achievement all across the nation.
Justin Chesebrough is in his 23rd year as an educator. As a school principal, he opened Ocotillo Ridge Elementary in 2006 and served there five years. Prior to becoming an award-winning administrator, Justin was a classroom teacher in Vail, teaching 5th grade at Mesquite Elementary for three years and 3rd and 5th grades at Desert Willow Elementary for four years. Justin left education for a few years to work as an executive for Target.com in Tucson, but his love for education and working with students, teachers, and administrators brought him back to the education field. Justin received a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Northern Arizona University in 1998 and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership there in 2002.
Preview by Marilyn Skinner, Academy Village Volunteer
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