The Arizona Senior Academy supports a number of volunteer groups that work to maintain the ASA programs and building, as well as sponsor unique programs for its members. Here is a list of the existing groups, and their leaders/coordinators. If you are interested in any of the activities, be sure to email or call the coordinators for more information.
ASA Volunteer Groups
Lecture Committee: Charmaine Wellington. This Committee helps plan ASA’s lectures, classes, field trips, and workshops. They suggest or invite presenters, and select videocourses for the summer.
Villa Videocast Operators: Jim Johnson. These volunteers operate the computer keyboard during concerts and lectures so that residents in the in the Academy Village and Academy Villas Assisted Living can see and hear ASA’s programs in real time. They are then turned into videos that can be seen here.
ASA Concerts: Leslie Nitzberg. The ASA Music Liaison arranges for all weekly concerts and is open to suggestions from residents and others for program possibilities that are carefully vetted to determine whether the performers are a good fit for the ASA audience.
Acting Group: Mary Mitchell. This group prepares and presents plays. In addition, lighting, stage management costumes etc. are also handled by members.
ASA Art Classes: Diane Holtz & Margaret Benson. A number of art classes are organized and taught by residents or outside artists.
ASA Art Wall: Virginia Richardson. This group organizes art shows by residents in the lobby of the ASA building.
ASA Program Previewers Group: Suzanne Ferguson. The previewers group meets monthly to discuss and volunteer to write the 300-word previews for the ASA presentations. The previews appear here, and on flyers in the lobby of the ASA Building.
ASA Board: Tim Schiffer
ASA Executive Committee: Tim Schiffer
ASA Finance Committee: Jennifer Broden. This ASA committee oversees the ASA finances and is responsible for providing the executive committee and ASA Board with finance information and yearly budget recommendations.
AV Technology Team: Jim Johnson. The group is developing an understanding of the AV Technology at ASA so that a core set of villagers can operate all of the equipment and trouble shoot any problems that occur with any frequency. They are also available for help on the ASA Website.
Academy Services Corporation Board: Gary Fenstermacher. See website.
—Academy Villas Medical Services LLC, Ed Schnechner See website
—Academy Villas Property Manager, Gary Fenstermacher
Library Committee: Nancy Green. Develops and maintains the ASA Library collection.
Building Maintenance/renovation: Bill McCourt
ADA Compliance Group: Mary Hatch
New Residents Welcoming: Deon Holt
Website Group: Virginia Richardson. The website is an important element of the ASA programs and events. It requires constant attention with events submissions and photos.
Special Events, Tremia Cox: Special events are always coming up that require the help of ASA members. For example, the recent Labyrinth project. These requests for volunteers will come up regularly.
Outreach Activities: John Cameron
Community Volunteering: Mike Horn-Mitchem, Roxie Mitchem-Horn