Barbara Rogers, American Artist
Monday, April 24, 2023,
ASA Koffler Great Room & Zoom
How does a young girl from a farming village in northeastern Ohio become an internationally known painter whose works hang in numerous museum collections and whose career is the subject of an important recent monograph? In this presentation, artist Barbara Rogers will explain how she came to develop “a style that placed the figure in a setting that includes rich foliage, creating tension through the suggestion of allegorical content.” After surviving Hurricane Eiwa in Hawaii, however, she changed her approach from romantic realism to a hybrid vision that has grown “increasingly complex and ambitious.”

Barbara Rogers, Emerita Professor of Art in the University of Arizona School of Art and a current resident of Tucson, is an internationally known painter whose works hang in at least nineteen major public and private collections, including those of the University of Arizona Museum of Art, the ASU Museum of Art, the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, and San Francisco’s MOMA. She has had over 42 solo exhibitions at major galleries and museums in the United States and abroad. Her biggest project has been a commission from Royal Caribbean Cruises to do most of the paintings for the dining room of its Oasis-class cruise ship Allure of the Seas–seventeen in all, the largest being 30 feet in height and 18 feet in width. With Marilyn Zeitlin, former director of the ASU Museum of Art, Barbara co-authored the monograph The Imperative of Beauty (Seattle: Marquand 2012), which not only documents the growth of her own individual vision but also examines how she and other women artists of her generation struggled to establish a secure place in the art world for themselves and their subjects.
Compiled and Edited by Marilyn Skinner, Academy Village Volunteer
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